“ With a healthy heart,the beat goes on.”

    A workshop on awareness regarding heart diseases in neonates and children was organized at Seth M.R. Jaipuria School, Kursi Road Campus in collaboration with Helping Hearts Foundation and the Inner Wheel Club of Lucknow. A panel of eminent doctors, specialists and social activists were welcomed by the Student Council of the school. The panel of guests included – Dr. Nakul Sinha , Director, Interventional Cardiology , Medanta Hospital , Ex. Prof. and Head , Cardiology department , SGPGI. Dr. Roli Srivastava , Pediatric Cardiologist , Medanta hospital Lucknow, Dr. Sanjay Niranjan , Senior consultant paediatrician , Neo Child Clinic and Midland Hospital, Mrs. Smrita Agarwal , President , Inner Wheel Club of Lucknow, Mrs. Jyoti Sinha , Member , Helping Hearts Foundation, Mrs. Tanushree Gupta , Owner, Mr. Brown , Lucknow as the guest of honour. The workshop started with the lighting of the lamp ceremony followed by a euphonic welcome song. Respected Principal , Mrs Harpreet Rekhi welcomed the guests and parents through her poignant speech and reflected on the role that the schools play in the well being of the young hearts and the need to curb the mindset of parents regarding heart diseases. Dr. Sanjay Niranjan spoke about the mantra of “5210”, which states –FIVE fruits and vegetable to be eaten every day. TWO or less hours of recreational screen time, ONE hours or more of physical activity, ZERO sugary drinks and more water.

    Dr. Roli Srivastava, spoke about various factors that cause heart diseases in neonates and children. The factors like excessive stress, being overweight, not exercising regularly, Hypertension, eating junk food are the main causes of heart diseases in children that need to be kept in check. Doctors also stated the things that need to be done in case of an emergency. They even made the audience aware of the fact that hereditary heart diseases can get delayed but acquired heart diseases can be prevented. An interactive session between the audience and the doctors took place, wherein the doctors answered the queries of the audience. The session proved to be an eye opener regarding creation of awareness and acceptance of arduousness and dilemma related to heart diseases in infants and children. The honorable guests were presented with mementos by respected Founder Chairman Mr. SN Goel and Directors Mr. Rakesh Goel & Mr.Sachin Goel and the panel of doctors were thanked by the Principal for creating awareness and remodeling the views regarding heart health.

    A workshop on awareness regarding heart diseases in neonates and children was organized at Seth M.R. Jaipuria School, Kursi Road Campus in collaboration with Helping Hearts Foundation and the Inner Wheel Club of Lucknow

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